Thursday 2 April 2009

Thursday 26 March 2009

Stress buster!

Im a firm believer in the benefits of aromatherapy. It can have a fantastic effect on a persons emotions, spirituality and well being :) We all feel a little stressed from time to time. Be it through work, family or relationships. Meditation can help in these times. I find that I also like to make an oil blend which is specific to the individual emotional and spiritual need. I would suggest to the person making these blends to remember for every 5 ml of base oil used the maximum of 5 drops of essential oil is added to it. Always do a skin patch test before using any of the blends that you make.. the last thing you need is a red, itchy, reaction when your stressed enough as it is! :) When you make the blend you can use it to put a tiny drop into your bath. Just a tiny drop.. otherwise you will end up looking and feeling like a grease monkey! lol. You can then use them with your partner, or on yourself, as a massage oil.. definately stress busting and relaxing :) Then you can back this up by putting a little drop onto a hankerchief or put a tiny bit on the back of your wrist. Every time you feel the stress levels rising take a big sniff of your wrist or hanky and take ten deep breaths in and out. The smell will help lower the levels and bring you back down into a state of calm. This should help to give yourself more clarity to the situation.
Take some base oil, my favorite is almond oil. It has such a sweet smell and also you can use it as a 100% base oil.
Measure out 20 ml of almond oil.. 5ml usually equates to 1 teapoon :)In a suitable bottle or container. I like to use my green glass little cup. Green being the universal colour of healing.
Next add into in 5 drops geranium oil, 2 drops Sandalwood oil, 3 drops Rose oil, 2 drops jasmine oil, 3 drops Frankincense oil, 5 drops Ylnag- Ylang oil.
Next to blend the oils togther. Roll the container back and fourth between the palms of your hands. I like to visualise and pour my energy and intent into the oil. I ask the universe to send to me the healing and energy that is needed through the blend. Feel your energy flowing down through your arms, through your arms and into the oil. Keep on rolling and sending your energy into the oil. Perhaps words will spring to mind that you would like to say while your doing this. Go with the flow :) Do what comes natural to you and trust your intuition
So be it.. it is done! :)
Oils can last for a long time and also do your skin patch reaction tests! I will try and figure out how to put up a link to the online shop that I like to get my oils from.. xxx

Monday 23 March 2009

Funky pentagram Pic xxx

Protection :)

Here is a little protection charm that you can make to keep away negative energy or influences from the home and family. Some people like to make one of these every year.. but I have made myself one for the whole time I have lived in my home. Go by your intuition to when and how often you feel the need to redo your spell.

Witches Bottle.. Use a glass jar that has a lid that you can seal. Put in some broken glass, rusty nails, anything sharp.. be careful in what you are doing because you dont want to cut yourself! But if the worse happens and you do prick yourself.. you can use a tiny bit of your blood to put into your jar. This will give your spell an extra bit of oomph and power behind it because you have linked yourself in with it on a deeper level. Then you can put in some protective herbs: bay, basil, peppercorns. Next you can draw on a piece of paper a rune for protection..look at picture above :) Next I add a little bit of my own wee.. use your intuition again as to whether you want to do this yourself. It works in the same way as your blood. Put the top on the jar and seal it tightly. You can either use black masking tape to seal over the lid or perhaps a black candle to drip over the lid to seal it. As you are doing this you can say out loud.. or in your mind, whichever you prefer..
" Into this jar, my intent does flow,
my home and family protected from any hurt or harm,
banish negativity! here now our protection charm..
it is done.. so be it"
These a rough idea of words you can use to empower your bottle with your intent. If words spring to your mind as you are making it.. say them! use what comes from inside your heart and soul. This is the most powerful magick of all.. your own! so use it :) Bury the bottle in the farthest corner in your garden.. quite deep down. You dont want the dog to dig it up and discover it lol. You are putting the charm into the ground which will carry it to the Earths energy. xxxxxxxxxxx

Bring on balance!

Hello all :) Seeing as I have been working hard to clean, cleanse and declutter my home. I like to cleanse and rebalance energies within aswell as without :) I try to do this at least once a week. Have you ever had the feeling that you are out of whack with whats going on in the world around you? Or spaced out? Your body has seven energy centres called Chakras. The feeling of being run down or out of sorts could be pinpointed down to chakras being out of synch or balance. They are internal and also external of your physical body. I have been a hands on spiritual healer since my teens. Recently Ive been attuned to level one Reiki healing and it was a fantastic uplifting experience. Im aware of when a person is physically hurting to put my hands on them to give them healing. I can see if and where there are any blockages which hinder the flow of energy between the chakras. I have put a little picture above which shows where the chakras are positioned and also the colours that correspond to each one. Once a week I make a little " me" time to do this. I pick out a crystal for each chakra and colour. It doesnt really matter what type of stone you use but make sure they are of the same colour as the chakra :) Your stones are properly cleansed before you give yourself healing and also afterwards. Make sure that there are not going to be any interuptions, switch off your phone and enjoy the peace and quiet! Lie down on the bed or the floor and have your stones close to hand. Close your eyes and ask the universe to bring you healing and to bring you into balance through your stones. Lie down and place your first stone on. I like to work from the Crown down to the Root chakra(top to bottom) Do what feels the most comfortable for yourself :) Use your intuituon and feelings.. go with whatever feels the most natural. We all work in different ways and what will work for some people may not work well with you. Trust yourself and go with the flow. Place all the stones on and then lie and let the stones and the universe work their healing magick :)The stones will cleanse and work out any energy blockages and bring them back into balance. Remember to breathe calmly and naturally. Some people feel heat coming from the stones.. not so hot to burn or anything like that.. so dont worry! Other people feel totally relaxed and drift off to sleep :) When I feel that the time is ready and that the healing has been done, I take off the stones slowly and sit up. I then give thanks to the universal energy for giving me healing. I also ask for any energy that has been left over to be sent to the earth or for specific people that need healing :)If you do this yourself it would be wise to clap your hands to bring yourself back.. because you may feel a little bit away with the faeries from the healing :) Hold a dark or black grounding stone to make sure you are fully back in the room and reality. The stone Hemite is a favourite grounding stone of mine. Its also good to hold when you feel yourself being not so grounded within your life. Have a little drink of water or something light to eat to make sure you are properly grounded. Grounding is very important! I will talk more about Chakras and healing in another post :) There is so much information that I could go into about them... I dont want to bore! lol xxxxx

Sunday 22 March 2009

Tarot Readings

I have been reading the Tarot for four years. If anybody would like a reading feel free to post me a message and I will get back to you. I am able to do online readings and also on the telephone. I use cards as a divination tool, to be able to look into areas of your life.. past, present and future. If there is a qustion that is nagging on your mind or you need help to be able to look at a situation more clearly, the Tarot cards are a good tool to use :) There is nothing scary or horrible about the Tarot. They seem to have gotten a litle bit of a bad reputation over the years.. because of bad readers! If you ever have a reading from someone who tells things like, for example.. You are cursed, you need to pay me x amount of money to lift this curse! or someone is going to die.. awful things like these.. get up and walk away! Do not pay or see such readers because they are only in it for the shock factor, scaremongery and the money! I like to use the cards to be able to help people, not to scare or frighten them. I can look into areas of your life like relationships and love for example and be able to help guide you along your path. I use the cards as a tool to link into a persons energy and to build a clairvoyant and clairsentient link :) Depending on the reading and personal circumstances.. ie.. if I havent got the money for something my children need! I may charge a small, affordable fee or ask the questioner to donate to a charitable fund :) xxxx

Spring cleaning!

Its that glorious time of year again! I bet by now all the women in the Uk and all over the world no doubt! will be getting that twitchy, itchy feeling to throw things out and have a good old spring clean! I know that I have! lol. Ive cleaned, spruced, given and thrown things away that I no longer have use for or need. I recommend that at this time to give your home a good energy cleanse :) My favorite way of doing this is to burn a sage bundle and waft the smoke through the different rooms of my house with a feather :) Buring Dragons Blood incense is another favorite cleansing routine of mine. If you are into using crystals to harness energy into your home remember to cleanse them at least once a month. Runnning them under a cold/luke warm tap and putting them out in the sun to dry is a good option. I like to use the power of the full moon to recharge my stones after giving them a little clean. Be careful because some stones are not recommended to have water put over them, so a good smoke smudge cleanse is a good option. If in doubt look up your crystals needs in a good crystal guide :) My favorite stones to use for this month has to be my clear quartz to clear away negativity and also citrine to uplift and remind me of the beautiful sun.